The National Service Act 1964 required 20-year-old men to serve for two years in regular army units. From 1965, they served overseas. The men were chosen by ballot according to their birthdays. Birthdates were placed on small balls and put in a barrel. The balls were individually selected and birthdates were called out.
- Ask students to discuss the impact of a conscription ballot on people today. Brainstorm students' opinions on the issue of conscription and collate their ideas on a poster or electronic whiteboard.
For background, visit 'Australia and the Vietnam War',
Using Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats, the students respond to the statement, 'Countries use conscription to help grow their armed forces and be ready for war.' See the Edward de Bono website, for information on using the Six Thinking Hats.
- Using the Six Thinking Hats, split the class into the following groups:
Questions (white)
Use only the information available. What are the facts?
Emotions (red)
Provide a gut reaction or statements of emotional feeling (but not any justification).
Bad points judgement (black)
Apply logic to identifying flaws or barriers; seek mismatch.
Good points (yellow)
Apply logic to identify benefits; seek harmony.
Creativity (green)
Provide statements of provocation and investigation. See where a thought goes.
Thinking (blue)
Think about thinking.
- Ask each group to respond with a series of points supporting their allocated 'thinking hat' description and then share their views with the class.