Michaelis is with his father in their backyard gardening when his mother comes to the garden to admire their work. It was an expectation for children of this era to work as their parents directed. Gardening was just one chore that Michaelis would be expected to complete.
- As a class, discuss the type of chores Michaelis would be expected to complete around the house. List these and compare them to the chores of other characters in other episodes, such as Victoria, Rowley, Evelyn, Bertie, Bridie and Colum. Ask students to consider how Michaelis would be expected to behave as a child in a Greek family. Compare these expectations to students' lives today.
- Ask students to write a diary entry for a day in the life of Michaelis and explain how they believe he feels about the events in his life. Share these stories with the rest of the class.